Organic Cumin Extract

Organic Cumin Extract as alternative to Organic Cumin

PA-free, intensive, easy to process

Does your daily work also suffer from the fact that the PA problem in Organic Cumin is currently causing delivery difficulties for spice traders?

Now there is a PA-free alternative to Organic Cumin: Organic Cumin Extract with full aroma and intensive seasoning power!

Spices play an outstandingly important role in upscale cuisine, with cumin in the forefront when it comes to modern, international cuisine. Whoever pays attention to quality and a lot of aroma when buying his spices, naturally buys organic spices. If a contamination of these organic spices becomes known, as is the case with the PA problem in organic cumin, it is not only a pity for the existing stock, but can also make future purchases considerably more difficult.

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Interested in Bio Cumin CO2 Extract?

Our specs & information:

Organic Cumin with PA-problem – no marketable product available

The PA problem in Organic Cumin has been causing a lot of concern to many people responsible in the food industry since spring of this year.

PA stands for pyrrolizidine alkaloid – nitrogenous natural substances that are formed by more than 6000 plant species worldwide as protection against predators. Some of these plants belong to the weeds that typically occur in spice cultivation; they can contaminate the herb crop. When PAs are processed in the human metabolism, metabolites toxic to the liver are formed which, if consumed in higher quantities, can lead to (potentially dangerous) liver dysfunction.

PAs are actually not a new topic, but have been in the public eye since 2013, when the first standardized analysis procedure was developed and applied by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. Back then, it was first about herbal tea and then about honey. In 2016, rooibos tea attracted attention with increased PA values (the highest values determined were 3400 ug/kg).

In 2018, PA-contaminated herbal teas were again the subject of media attention, and in 2019, the ARD consumer magazine Markt picked up the issue and found a worrying 13,000 ug/kg in oregano. In spring 2020, the public food warning portal warned of 6 oregano spices from different suppliers. This means that the topic has reached the consumer – enlightened consumers follow the recommendation of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment for a maximum daily intake of 0.007 µg per kilogram body weight (0.49 microgram for 70 kg). However, this can hardly be avoided because even a few weeds can contaminate an entire hectare of crops.

For this reason, responsible spice dealers are increasingly turning down customers for Organic Cumin deliveries because there is no longer a guaranteed uncontaminated product available on the market. The recourse to goods from conventional cultivation is also not safe, because for these isolated laboratory results over still higher PA-contaminations than with bio plants are present and may not be used in organic products.

It is therefore high time for an alternative to Organic Cumin, PA-free and yet with the full seasoning power of the usual product. This alternative is now available: You can access a safe and available alternative for Bio Cumin, PA-free in blends, because it can be obtained in almost PA-free quality and at the same time it can be incorporated into the recipes without major cost increases. Check our specification with the analysis from the last batch.

You have the possibility to replace organic cumin in your recipes with organic ground cumin seed extract in a theoretical ratio of 10-11:1. Due to the dosage ratio the raw material costs are almost comparable to the ground spice.

The production of the Organic Cumin Extract is possible in quantities that are required for industrial applications – in which the other advantages of the Organic Cumin Extract are also fully exploited: Higher seasoning power, easy application, less storage space.


Behind the increased pollution currently observed not only in bio cumin, it is assumed that the environmental conditions have changed due to climate change. Largely PA-free organic cumin extract could therefore be the only safe alternative for a long time until the issue has been researched and clarified.

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and claim your Bio Cumin Extract.

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Do you have any questions and would you like to find out more about our high-quality products?

Feel free to contact us and let us advise you individually and in detail. We look forward to hearing from you and are happy to provide you with advice and assistance.

Tobien Trading GmbH
Bergstrasse 8
8700 Küsnacht

t: +41 44 586 32 01

Tobien Trading GmbH- Rohstoffhandel
Frederic-Tobien - Tobien Trading

Frederic Tobien

t: +41 44 586 32 01